The Baltic region faces a unique set of environmental challenges, in particular pollution from industry and agriculture. SEI provides knowledge and enhances collaboration between countries and stakeholders in the region to provide solutions and seek opportunities for a more sustainable Baltic.
118 results / 9 of 14 pages
Project / COASTAL (Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform) improves coastal-rural synergy to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment.
Past event / The event highlighted the proven solutions from exiting fossil fuel-based economies and transitioning to low-carbon societies based on Green to Scale.
Press release / The winners of the BONUS RETURN innovation challenge are Aquacare in the Netherlands, TerraNova in Germany, and Ravita in Finland.
Feature / SEI Tallinn held a seminar to mark 25 years of operations. It was a time to reflect on our impact on Estonian society and look to the challenges ahead.
Feature / The BONUS RETURN project is offering pre-commercialization support for the best ideas for reducing nutrient and carbon emissions and productive reuse.
Project / CoCliME – co-development of climate services for adaptation to changing marine ecosystems – will develop climate services for marine systems in Europe.
Project / The RDI2Club project helps rural Baltic Sea areas to reach their bioeconomy potential.
Project / BONUS RETURN – reducing emissions by turning nutrients and carbon into benefits. The project focuses on turning waste into circular solutions for the Baltic Sea
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