94 results / 4 of 11 pages
Feature / SEl researchers explain the Swedish perspectives on the EU Commission's proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
Project / The project adopts a whole system approach through ‘discipline hopping’ by diversifying and aligning with the ‘decarbonization agenda’ to address climate change
SEI brief / This SEI discussion brief provides an analysis of Swedish policy positions and stakeholder perspectives on the EU's proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
Media coverage / In an article in <i>Sierra</i>, the Sierra Club's magazine, SEI Senior Researcher Derik Broekhoff commented on carbon offsetting and net-zero as a global goal.
Other publication / This guide to developing domestic carbon crediting systems is intended to help policymakers considering whether and how to establish these mechanisms at home.
Other publication / This study discusses the importance of proportional attribution of funding sources when mixing climate finance and carbon markets in emissions mitigation.
Perspective / In this Q&A, SEI researchers Somya Joshi an Felipe Sanchez explain how the Roadmap Planner can support decision-makers in creating industry transition roadmaps.
Tool / The LeadIT Roadmap Planner guides decision-makers in public and private sectors through different phases of creating industry transition roadmaps.
Feature / The COP26 outcomes have sunk in and it is time to take stock of what happened on fossil fuels, loss and damage and other questions and look ahead.
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