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BLASTIC (Plastic Waste Pathways into the Baltic Sea) aims to reduce the inflow of plastic waste and thereby hazardous substances into the Baltic Sea by mapping and monitoring litter levels in the aquatic environment.

Inactive project


Project contact

Harri Moora /

Marine litter consists mainly of plastic and packaging material in the Central Baltic region. The project demonstrates how plastic waste in urban areas finds its ways to the Baltic Sea and becomes marine litter. Land-based sources produce most of the marine litter, while rivers are major pathways feeding the sea with litter.

The project will apply regional and national strategies on a local level and also produce updated local action plans. In addition, BLASTIC will provide a methodology for mapping the most important sources and pathways of marine plastic litter and monitoring litter in rivers and coastal waters/areas.

The project will produce a list of sources and pathways with recommendations that are closely linked to resource efficiency in waste and water sector. The methodology will be implemented in three or four urban areas and will be further promoted in other areas. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the reduction of plastic waste flowing into the Baltic Sea.

Project partners

Media coverage and international events

Project supported by:

SEI project team

Harri Moora

Head of Unit, Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

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