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SEI brief

Green public procurement: a lever for mitigating European greenhouse gas emissions

In this brief, we summarize our findings on some of the key barriers that prevent EU Member States (MS) from broadly practicing Green Public Procurement (GPP). We showcase best practices and solutions among eight MS and provide policy recommendations to strengthen governance, policies, monitoring and implementation to support greater GPP uptake in the EU’s road and construction sectors.

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Axelsson, K., Piirsalu, E., Nilsson Lewis, A., Kaaret, K. & Torres Morales, E. (2023). Green Public Procurement: a lever for mitigating European greenhouse gas emissions. Stockholm Environment Institute.

Photo: 50m. above / Unsplash

In the EU, government spending on works, goods and services amounted to about 15% of its GDP in 2020. EU’s enormous purchasing power provides significant leverage for public entities to send strong market signals supporting the green transition while mitigating the public sector’s environmental impacts. Since 2008, the European Commission has recognized Green Public Procurement (GPP) as a key policy instrument.

However, the implementation of GPP policies in EU Member States (MS) has been slow and still lags far below the European Commission’s target set in 2008 to make half of all public tendering procedures meet the core EU GPP criteria by 2010. The EU needs additional measures to ensure MS are on the right path to reaching the EU’s 2030 climate target of a net 55% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is especially crucial in the road transport and construction sectors, due to their significant climate mitigation potential and sizeable public procurement volumes.

In 2022, SEI explored the GPP policy landscape and practices among eight EU MS with a focus on construction and road transport sectors: Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Estonia, Poland, Spain, Italy – countries representing a mix of those that have used GPP for several years or only just started; major and minor economies; and centralized and decentralized governance systems.


Read the policy brief / PDF / 935 KB


SEI authors

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Eileen Torres
Eileen Torres-Morales

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

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