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Green public procurement: a lever to accelerate the green transition

SEI experts presented the latest research on Green Public Procurement in the EU in this online discussion, which took place 31 January 2022. Researchers and guest panellists reviewed green purchasing policies and related solutions that governments can adopt to accelerate decarbonization in their countries and meet climate goals.

Construction cranes, clouds and blue sky are reflected against the glass sides of a new building

Photo: Tim Hüfner / Unsplash.

Watch the green public procurement event recorded 31 January 2022.

Government purchasing accounts for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It follows, then, that building environmental requirements into these purchases can drive down governments’ share of this pollution and help countries meet their climate goals.

The most effective way to maximize these benefits is to place special focus on the sectors most damaging to the climate: particularly construction and road transport.

SEI researchers, with support from Breakthrough Energy, dove deep into the EU’s policies on what is known as green public procurement (GPP), the practice of public purchasing with a priority on environmental harm reduction.

In this illuminating webinar, the team presented their findings, highlighting their case studies of eight EU Member States and their common strengths and weaknesses in policy and practice. SEI’s researchers identified solutions and recommendations on how authorities at the EU, national, regional and local levels can accelerate their decarbonization efforts through thoughtful procurement in construction and road transport.


Welcome, Astrid Nilsson Lewis, SEI (5 min)

Presentation of project findings and policy recommendations, Astrid Nilsson Lewis, SEI (25 min)

Panel discussion and Q&A, moderated by Katarina Axelsson, SEI (25 min)


  • Astrid Nilsson Lewis, Research Associate, SEI
  • Evelin Piirsalu, Senior Expert, SEI
  • Nancy Gillis, Programme Head, Climate Action & First Movers Coalition, World Economic Forum
  • Anna Esteve Traveset, Technician, Environmental Qualification Service, Directorate-General for Environmental Quality and Climate Change Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Government of Catalonia
  • Ronja Bechauf, Policy Analyst, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Closing words, Astrid Nilsson Lewis, SEI (5 min)


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Breakthrough Energy

SEI team

Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Eileen Torres
Eileen Torres-Morales

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

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