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SEI report

Technical documentation for an experimental statistic estimating the global environmental impacts of UK consumption

A new experimental statistic has been released that will act as an indicator of the global environmental impacts of UK consumption. This report (JNCC Report No. 695) describes the methodologies used to produce the experimental statistic.

Simon Croft, Jonathan Green, Amy Molotoks, Chris West / Published on 28 October 2021

Croft, S., West, C., Harris, M., Green, J., Molotoks, A., Harris, V. and Way, L. 2021. Technical documentation for an experimental statistic estimating the global environmental impacts of UK consumption. JNCC Report No. 695, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-9091.

The release of the experimental statistic and associated dashboard is the culmination of a multi-year development process funded by Defra, with JNCC (Joint Nature Conservancy Council) leading on its development and analyses undertaken by SEI. This report describes the methodologies used to produce the experimental statistic. It includes:

  • an overview of the modelling framework, which is based on hybrid multi-regional input-output modelling using data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and Exiobase, which are combined within the Stockholm Environment Institute’s IOTA (Input-Output Trade Analysis) framework;
  • an explanation of the treatment of commodities that differed in methods and data from the other commodities analyzed, namely cattle and timber;
  • an explanation of the data sources used for each impact metric type, how they were integrated into the modelling, and any known data update plans.

The dashboard published alongside the statistic allows users to visualize and interact with the data, for example by breaking it down to see results for specific commodities and producer countries of interest.

This publication is an update to one of the UK Biodiversity Indicators, and it is planned that results will also feed into the 2022 Outcome Indicator Reporting cycle for the 25 Year Environment Plan.

Additional support towards developing the dashboard was also provided by Trase and the GCRF Trade Hub.

This talk explores the indicator’s results and key drivers behind its creation.

SEI authors

Simon Croft

Research Fellow

SEI York

Jonathan Green

Senior Research Fellow

SEI York

Amy Molotoks
Amy Molotoks

Research Associate

SEI York

Chris West

Deputy Centre Director (Research)

SEI York

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