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African Union HQ

Developing the Africa Clean Air Program

part of International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024

The African Union Commission, along with supporting partners, UNEP, CCAC, SEI, and others, will convene a planning meeting for the Africa Clean Air Program (ACAP) as a side event of the 12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-XII) in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

29 August 2024 at 14:00 EAT
Ivory Coast (Cote D`Ivoire) and Online

The 12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa

The African Union Commission is convening a planning meeting for the Africa Clean Air Program (ACAP) with supporting partners, UNEP, CCAC, SEI, and others, that will be a side event of the 12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-XII) in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. This meeting marks the initial steps in developing the ACAP roadmap. ACAP aims to address urban, rural and transboundary air pollution across Africa through collaboration among various stakeholders.

Meet SEI experts

Philip Osano
Philip Osano

Centre Director, SEI Africa

Kevin Hicks

Senior Research Fellow, SEI York

Cynthia Sitati
Cynthia Sitati

SEI Africa

Katy Brooke

Project Coordinator, SEI York

Lead convenor


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