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Just energy transitions

To limit dangerous global warming, the world must transition to a low-carbon economy. This energy transition is progressing slowly, not for lack of technology or public support, but because of social, political and technical barriers that perpetuate the production and use of fossil fuels, referred to as carbon lock-in.

This research area addresses these barriers and identifies policies and strategies to break the dependence on the extraction and export of fossil fuels, and to accelerate the sustainable and just transition to a low-carbon future in Colombia and Latin America. Our work seeks to develop specific, concrete evidence to support actionable policies toward these objectives of sustainable, low-carbon development.

Topics addressed in this research area include the decarbonization agenda of extractive industries in countries of the Andean region, economic diversification in fossil fuel producing regions, regional innovation policies and their potential to support sustainable transitions, the role of public investments in supporting a sustainable and low-carbon development in Latin American countries, e.g. the role of National Oil and Gas Companies in the energy transition, scaling up renewable energy sustainably and equitably, among others.

Eduar Monsalve / SEI


Elisa Arond

Research Fellow

SEI Latin America

José Vega Araújo

Research Associate

SEI Latin America


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