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Rasmus Kløcker Larsen

Team Leader: Rights and Equity

Rasmus Kløcker Larsen is a Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead for the Rights and Equity Team at the Stockholm Environment Institute. He also holds a position as affiliated Associate Professor with Centre for Health and Sustainability, Uppsala University.

His research focuses broadly on the ethics, practices and politics in the governance of land and water, notably in conflicts and negotiations over rights claims, drawing on critical social theory and participatory and action-oriented research methodologies.

He is frequently engaged as advisor, e.g., to Swedish government authorities and Sámi organizations. He often supports Sámi reindeer herding communities, e.g., on community-based impact assessments and negotiation of impact-benefit agreements.

Rasmus has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals, regularly contributes to media, and has a track-record of fundraising and leadership in international and multi-institutional projects.

He holds a PhD in innovation and communication studies from Wageningen University and MSc. degrees from Oxford University and Copenhagen University.


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