185 results / 2 of 21 pages
Perspective / There is a feasible path to decarbonise the gas sectors of the Baltic states and Finland by 2050 or earlier.
SEI working paper / The researchers analysed spatial land use data for the past two decades for primarily arid and semiarid lands (ASAL) to project forest cover in Kenya by 2050.
Journal article / This study shows options for potential land-system futures for the Gran Chaco, a global deforestation hotspot with high biological and cultural diversity.
Past event / SEI scientists will host a three-day training on WEAP, SEI's flagship water modelling software, on 12, 19 and 26 June. Register today.
Past event / Watch SEI's tutorial unveiling the exciting new features of our flagship integrated energy modelling software, LEAP.
Journal article / Decentralized grid solutions could be a feasible alternative to improve resilience and mitigate cascading effects in island states.
Journal article / SEI researchers and Corpocaldas address the challenges of multi-stakeholder participation in watershed management using serious games.
Feature / Jason Veysey explains how SEI and Morocco created the country's ambitious, long-term, low-emissions development plan, highlighting lessons for other countries.
Feature / SEI US formed an agreement with an Ecuadorian university to support the school with watershed modelling for local river basins.
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