41 results / 1 of 5 pages
Other publication / SEI York researchers contributed to a new UK Nitrogen Balance Sheet, developed for WWF-UK by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Media coverage / In an interview with BBC One, SEI's Kevin Hicks discussed the problems caused by ammonia released from livestock farming.
Project / SEI Tallinn's report summarizes the concept of planetary boundaries and looks into its applicability in Estonia.
Other publication / A set of 116 images can be used with the Resource Flow mapping tool and other sensitization tools in the Clean and Green framework.
Media coverage / In an article on Quartz, SEI Africa director Philip Osano speaks on the link between good air quality and sports while unveiling air quality sensor in Ethiopia.
Feature / Find out what SEI is doing to protect #TheAirWeShare.
Journal article / Researchers asked if and to what extent herbivores affect silicon content and silicon:nutrient ratios of grasses found in tundra grasslands.
SEI report / Additional solutions, capacity development and strengthening of governance systems are needed to allow for increased sustainability of the city's sanitation.
Perspective / Participatory research and policymaking are gaining acceptance and relevance in responding to issues of legitimacy, ethics and validity in research findings.
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