The agriculture, land and bioeconomy (AGLABE) team focuses on sustainable food systems, land use and the transformation of sustainable bioeconomies in policy and practice. We work to develop and communicate research to policy grounded in respect for human rights. We do this by providing high-quality independent and just scientific expertise for an actionable understanding of how different actors can contribute to a transformation towards sustainable food systems, land use and bioeconomy to contribute to other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UN 2030 Agenda.
A central function and strength of the team is the research-policy-practice interface. We mainly focus on supporting smallholders in the Global South. Another important issue is supporting developing countries to generate modern bioeconomies that can offer resource efficiency, climate-smart, and sustainable production systems for food, feed, fuels and value-added agro-industrial products. The AGLABE team also provides a communication and dialogue platform for all SEI researchers working with issues related to our field of expertise. The acknowledged policy practice platform has gained the trust of policymakers and the broader public in Sweden and internationally based on inclusive procedures. The platform serves as a sounding board for new research ideas across disciplines.
Photo: SEI.
Feature / SEI's Madeleine Fogde comments on the effects of the war in Ukraine on food security, prices and hunger in the Swedish magazine Syre.
Perspective / Since 2018, seven countries in Eastern Africa have worked on developing a regional bioeconomy strategy, culminating in the presentation of a draft summary.
Perspective / A single water narrative may lead to misinterpreting specific local challenges. Explore how SEI's Water Beyond Boundaries initiative aims to transform this.
Journal article / Learn how a new combination of methods can make development action more effective. This article describes the case of weather insurance in Uganda.
The Bioeconomy Strategy in East Africa. SEI has been a leading partner in a consortium developing a regional bioeconomy strategy for East Africa for the region and the continent at large. The strategy inspires and catalyses the development of national bioeconomy strategies and subsequent policy development and interventions for sustainable bio-based and inclusive economic growth in the region. There is now a greater recognition among stakeholders in the area that bioeconomy growth offers opportunities for countries in Eastern Africa to achieve many of the UN 2030 Agenda SDGs.
For the AgriFoSe project, SEI, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the University of Gothenburg and Lund University support capacity development in Africa and Southeast Asia to bridge the gap between science, policies, and practices in agriculture and food security, contributing to SDG 2: Zero Hunger fulfillment in the AgriFose Target countries.
The EBA-Mapping Swedish Agricultura Aid is a research project enhancing the understanding among key Swedish development actors (Sida, Ministry for Foreign Affairs) on the role of agricultural support/aid in fulfilling overall Swedish Development goals, where poverty reduction and democracy are essential.
The Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI) is an open and inclusive network that supports and promotes multi-sector dialogue and action around our vision of sustainable agriculture for food security, improving nutrition, and eradicating hunger. Our work is aligned with UN Agenda, particularly with SDG 2.
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