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Cities, communities and consumption

The cities, communities and consumption team encompasses research and capacity-building activities. The starting point is the many challenges cities and local communities are facing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time adapting to a warming climate. We currently primarily address issues related to climate change, but we also relate to other environmental and sustainability challenges.

The team brings together projects with the overall aim to contribute with new knowledge about what these challenges entail and how tools, processes and stakeholder engagement methods can be developed and implemented to support policy, planning and decision-making and ultimately facilitate a transition to a just, resilient and sustainable society. This is often done through participatory research methods involving public and private stakeholders, as well as civil society and academia.

Business people riding electric scooter and bicycle on promenade against sky

Stockholm, Sweden.

Photo: Maskot / Getty Images.

The team adopts a cross-sectoral and multilevel governance perspective, mainly in the context of Sweden and the Nordic countries, covering a variety of research topics. A key feature of the team is the focus on tool development for calculating the environmental pressures of Swedish consumption. Research topics also include the circular economy, supply chain management and how digitalization can aid decision-making processes among consumer, sustainable investments and city finance, as well as processes for transdisciplinary knowledge integration in the context of climate risk and vulnerability assessments.

Karin André
Karin André

Team Leader: Cities, Communities and Consumption; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Anneli Sundin
Anneli Sundin

Communications and Impact Officer

Project Communications

SEI Headquarters

Ebba Engström
Ebba Engström

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Julia Jokiaho
Julia Jokiaho

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Mathilda Englund
Mathilda Englund

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Marina Paulin
Martina Paulin

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Tina Sendlhofer
Tina Sendlhofer

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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