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Advancing the development of an Africa Clean Air Program

part of International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024

In March 2024, UNEA-6 passed a resolution on air pollution, emphasizing regional cooperation and national programs including supporting the call for an Africa Clean Air Program (ACAP).  AUC, UNEP, CCAC, and SEI are collaborating to advance the development of the ACAP to address air pollution and climate change sustainably in Africa.

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Photo : Namnso Ukpanah / Unsplash

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Kevin Hicks /

In March 2024, the 6th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), the world’s highest level decision-making body for environmental issues, passed a global resolution on air pollution, calling for increased regional cooperation as well as the development of national programmes, policies and standards.

The resolution acknowledges the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa and the AUC’s proposed Africa Clean Air Program, the CCAC and its recently launched Clean Air Flagship.

The project will contribute to the resolution and the flagship by advancing the development of a Clean Air Program for Africa (ACAP). It will build on the AUC/UNEP/CCAC, and SEI coordinated, Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa, which demonstrated how the implementation of a package of 17 SLCP and 20 development focused measures across Africa, could generate substantial environmental, social, and economic development benefits.

At AMCEN-18 African Ministers provided the mandate for a coordinated implementation effort through an African Clean Air Program: “Urge African countries to support further development and implementation of the 37 recommended measures as a continent-wide Africa Clean Air Program, coordinated by and with strong country-led initiatives, cascaded to the Regional Economic Communities and higher levels of policy.”

The Africa Clean Air Program (ACAP) speaks to the immediate policy priorities of African nations to provide their citizens with clean air, while the ‘how to’ would be through measures that harness the multiple benefits for clean air and climate. In addition to serving as a tool for data collection and sharing, this project would also support regional harmonization of air quality standards and inform the selection of policy and technical solutions across the continent. The project is being built on the collection and sharing of data, leveraging existing data and information sources as well as increasing technical and institutional capacity for air quality modelling, monitoring, and communication

As a first step towards an Africa Clean Air Program, this project will assist the development of a continental roadmap and implementation plans at the regional level, supporting the AUC’s efforts to pursue long-term, transformative development and accelerate sustainable low-carbon climate resilient economic growth, while mitigating air pollution and GHG emissions emanating from the transport, residential, energy, agriculture and waste sectors. This proposal will support the development of an Africa Clean Air Program Roadmap, including a review of the status of AQ standards, gap analysis and recommendations for improvements, and strengthening regional air quality regulatory frameworks. These actions would serve to guide implementation of recommended measures from the integrated assessment. The project will set up an advisory group of key stakeholders to provide strategic guidance on the approach and on outreach opportunities and ensure linkages to relevant initiatives.

Africa Clean Air Plan

The Africa Clean Air Program (ACAP) will be developed jointly with relevant stakeholders, and led by countries for future uptake.

The primary goal of ACAP is to create an enabling environment for investment in clean air across Africa. This will be achieved through:

  • Building political momentum and support for clean air initiatives.
  • Strengthening the case for action by demonstrating the benefits of improved air quality.
  • Establishing harmonized air quality standards across the continent.
  • Supporting the development and implementation of clean air legislation at national and regional levels.

The program is coordinated by a Core Coordination Team comprising UNEP ROA, AUC, the CCAC Secretariat, SEI, Policy Advisor, and Regional Nodes. ACAP’s implementation will be carried out through sub-regional pillars that will coordinate efforts at the continental level, ensuring that both financing and political support are secured. This approach is designed to eventually build out the program across all 54 African countries. 

Key institutions guiding ACAP

At the top level of the organigram, ACAP is guided and influenced by several key institutions:

  • UNEA (United Nations Environment Assembly): Sets the global environmental agenda and ensures that ACAP aligns with global air quality goals.
  • AU Assembly, AU (STC), and AUC (African Union Commission): Provide political leadership and strategic direction for ACAP, ensuring its integration into broader African development initiatives.
  • AMCEN (African Ministerial Conference on the Environment): Facilitates the translation of policy discussions into actionable plans and strategies.
  • Regional Economic Communities (RECs): Play a crucial role in fostering regional cooperation and integration, which is vital for the success of ACAP.

Implementation at the regional and national levels

At the base of the organigram, the focus is on the implementation of ACAP:

  • Regional Nodes serve as central points for coordination at the regional level, ensuring that regionally convened strategies are effectively implemented.
  • ACAP Country Focal Points and National and Sub-National Initiatives are responsible for tailoring and applying these strategies and policies at the country and local levels, ensuring that ACAP’s objectives are realized on the ground.

Strategic guidance and advisory support

To enhance the effectiveness of ACAP, the program will establish an International Advisory Group, chaired by AUC and UNEP. This group will provide external advice and ensure that ACAP’s strategies are informed by international best practices and expertise. The advisory group will include representatives from key sectors, international institutions, and academia, ensuring that the program benefits from a wide range of perspectives. Additionally, the group will engage civil society, academia, NGOs, and the private sector as national stakeholders, ensuring that all relevant voices are heard and incorporated into the program’s activities.

SEI team

Kevin Hicks

Senior Research Fellow

SEI York

Philip Osano
Philip Osano

Centre Director

SEI Africa

Katy Brooke

Project Coordinator

SEI York

Cynthia Sitati
Cynthia Sitati

SEI Africa

Alice Akinyi Kaudia
Alice Akinyi Kaudia

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Africa

Andriannah Mbandi

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI York

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Air : Cities
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