Tropical forests are at the front line of sustainable development, where critical trade-offs need to be negotiated between climate mitigation, biodiversity conservation, food production and economic development. SEI research work on tropical forests ranges from ecological research to groundbreaking data-driven transparency tools linking impacts of deforestation to global companies and consumer markets.
68 results / 4 of 8 pages
Perspective / Transparent supply chains can help halt deforestation and protect Earth’s most vulnerable ecosystems.
Journal article / Farm-level data from the eastern Brazilian Amazon shows that market proximity had a significant positive correlation with fertilizer adoption.
Journal article / Secondary forests can be vital to conserve biodiversity and trap carbon, but are still no substitute for undisturbed primary forest.
Press release / A new study reveals that untouched, primary forests are the ecological gold standard, but regrowing tropical forests are key to biodiversity and carbon storage.
Feature / Secondary forest can never substitute undisturbed primary forest, but it can still be effective in protecting biodiversity and sequestering carbon.
Journal article / An international team warns that a failure to act quickly and decisively will risk unprecedented species loss in the most diverse parts of the planet.
Press release / A global biodiversity collapse is imminent unless we take urgent, concerted action to reverse species loss in the tropics, according to a major study in Nature.
Feature / Thousands of fish and other freshwater fauna species living in small forest streams in tropical forest areas like the Amazon could be at risk.
Journal article / This article presents evidence that current environmental legislation designed to protect streams and their biota in the Amazon is not fit for purpose
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