Africa’s landscapes, rich in biodiversity, face distinctive environmental challenges. Most of SEI’s work in this region is coordinated by SEI Africa.
1798 results / 96 of 200 pages
Perspective / SEI US Associate Scientist Zoha Shawoo outlines why countries must strengthen policy coherence when implementing climate goals.
Other publication / This handbook provides a comprehensive analysis of some of the world’s most pressing global development challenges.
Perspective / Young people are central in achieving a more sustainable and healthier planet. They play a role in instigating change and action on pressing global challenges.
Perspective / Participatory research and policymaking are gaining acceptance and relevance in responding to issues of legitimacy, ethics and validity in research findings.
Journal article / This article provides a glossary that aims to highlight the importance of choosing and naming different methods of systematic reviews.
Perspective / Per Trulsson, Christina Hartler, SEI's Janet Vähämäki and Magnus Walan discuss how to improve collaboration in development research and policy.
SEI report / Los actores locales impulsan el cambio y avanzan en la consecución de la Agenda 2030 para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Press / SEI's Zoha Shawoo spoke to Devex about five key principles that should underpin a future financing mechanism for loss and damage from an SEI brief on the topic.
Other publication / This report summarizes the impacts of the Knowledge Exchange between Climate Adaptation Platforms (KE4CAP) project.
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