Africa’s landscapes, rich in biodiversity, face distinctive environmental challenges. Most of SEI’s work in this region is coordinated by SEI Africa.
1798 results / 97 of 200 pages
Other publication / This report synthesizes the findings of the Knowledge Exchange for Climate Adapations Platforms (KE4CAP) project.
Media coverage / In an article in <i>Sierra</i>, the Sierra Club's magazine, SEI Senior Researcher Derik Broekhoff commented on carbon offsetting and net-zero as a global goal.
Perspective / Kliimateemade kommunikeerimisel tuleb arvestada, et "normaalsus" muutub ja andmete kasutusel tuleb segaduste vältimiseks olla läbipaistev.
Journal article / The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how hard it is to manage a global crisis. What can we learn from the pandemic to help fight climate change and build resilience?
Project / This project aims to accurately diagnose climate risk in critical mineral supply chains and build the resilience of communities embedded in the mining sector.
SEI report / The authors suggest ways to change humanitarian and development reporting and procurement to improve WASH innovation.
Perspective / This perspective, originally published by Earth System Governance, lists five ways researchers can help shift power dynamics through climate change research.
SEI brief / This brief discusses ways that researchers can help shift imbalances in Global North-South power relationships in climate and environment research practices.
Perspective / 10 mujeres coautoras del documento de reflexión del SEI "Cambiando el poder a través de la investigación climática" reflexionan este tema en su vida y trabajos.
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