Africa’s landscapes, rich in biodiversity, face distinctive environmental challenges. Most of SEI’s work in this region is coordinated by SEI Africa.
1814 results / 100 of 202 pages
Other publication / This book provides detailed analysis of the first round of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the Paris Agreement.
Other publication / A collective industry commitment to work together to ensure all physical shipments of soy to the UK are deforestation and habitat conversion free.
Other publication / This chapter proposes a coordinated policy approach to maximize the benefits of efficient nitrogen use in agriculture while minimizing environmental threats.
Other publication / This book chapter discusses the importance of citizen science in understanding food and food policy.
SEI report / A conceptual framework for describing and analyzing cross-border climate change impacts, presented at the EGU General Assembly 2021.
Other publication / This policy brief shares ten practical recommendations for urban policy makers, planners, designers and local authorities in dryland areas in Africa.
Journal article / This paper by SEI's Jonathan Green explores how co-production processes can enable sustainability transformations.
Journal article / This article introduces the first issue of <i>Cities & Health</i> volume 4. It covers topics such as urban density, active travel and climate change adaptation.
SEI report / This paper provides context, baseline information and a 'state of knowledge' on disaster risk science.
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