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SEI at World Water Week 2022

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SEI at World Water Week 2022

Join our SEI-hosted sessions at World Water Week from 23 August-1 September in-person and online to discuss sanitation, biodiversity, climate, the SDGs and more.
Photo: Suttipong Sutiratanachai / Getty Images.

Brenda Ochola / Published on 16 August 2022

World Water Week is an annual event organized and hosted by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). The event brings together business, policy, science and civil society to discuss global water-related issues.

This year’s theme is “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. The events will be held both online and in Stockholm, offering an opportunity to engage face to face or participate from anywhere in the world.


Registration is required to participate at World Water Week. Explore SEI’s events below and register on the World Water Week website.

Informing the 2023 Political Agenda through science – Bolivia WATCH case

Science is crucial for water planning. This session will provide an overview of the latest evidence, and/or key findings from the past year’s research in the water sector that policymakers should know as they head into 2023 and to achieve the SDGs and the Agenda 2030.

Sanitation and watershed management cooperation for improved governance and investments

This session will present an overview of Bolivia WATCH, a program that aims to improve water management in Bolivia by linking watershed governance and sanitation and working with local actors to generate integrated plans that seek to maximize benefit to all water users.

Mainstreaming ES in policies for sustainable freshwater development and livelihoods

Welcome to a session that will focus on sharing lessons learned from specific countries across different continents on best practices (success stories), barriers, and empowering feasible courses of action in freshwater ecosystem conservation and management for sustainable consumption, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation.

The heart of resilience: cultivating the untapped potential of women

This session aims to collect recommendations for further cultivating women’s untapped potential as the heart of resilience.

Building the case for collective action on Fair Water Footprints

This session will discuss lessons learned and the collective action still needed to change the way the world uses water for good. Speakers will draw on their experiences of collective action projects to demonstrate how collaborative efforts can result in better water security.

SuSanA at World Water Week

SEI will host a series of events in collaboration with the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) aimed at discussing sustainable sanitation as key contributors of the SDGs.

Strategic dialogue: Agenda2030 – Connecting dots from source to sea

In this session, experts will exchange ideas about how source-to-sea management fosters actions to achieve the Agenda 2030. The discussion will contribute to global processes in the lead up to the 2023 UN Water Conference.

Highlighting the value of páramo land conservation in vulnerability reduction

At this session, you will learn how research based on SEI’s flagship WEAP software indicates that preserving páramo ecosystems support water availability for surrounding communities.

Uncovering the value of WASH research through partnership

In this online & on-site session at World Water Week, USAID will present a new model for identifying and filling implementation research gaps in the WASH sector and how partnership is the key to uncovering its hidden value to ensuring uptake and use.

Climate Crisis = Water Crisis. Local Communities in the Driving Seat

At this informal get together during World Water Week organized by SEI and Simavi, we will discuss how we can leverage grassroot solutions to combine efforts to address the water crisis.

SEI Team

Adriana Soto
Adriana Soto Trujillo

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Ridhi Saluja
Ridhi Saluja

Research Fellow

SEI Asia

Tania Santos

Team Leader: Water; Research Fellow

SEI Latin America

Thanapon Piman
Thanapon Piman

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Asia

Carla Liera
Carla Liera

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Linus Dagerskog
Linus Dagerskog

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Madeleine Fogde
Madeleine Fogde

Team Leader: Agriculture, Land and Bioeconomy; Senior Expert

SEI Headquarters

Laura Forni

Water Program Director


Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Profile picture of Annette Huber-Lee
Annette Huber-Lee

Senior Scientist


Lynsi Burton

Communications Officer



Brenda Ochola
Brenda Ochola

Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters

Rafaela Flach
Rafaela Flach

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Åsa Persson
Åsa Persson

Research Director and Deputy Director

SEI Headquarters

Marta Anguera
Marta Anguera

Engagement Officer

SEI Headquarters

Nhilce N. Esquivel
Nhilce N. Esquivel

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

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